
written by: Mohamed Abdel Salam, Randa Borhan 17 Dec

From malaria to corona: a history of epidemics in Egypt

“A punishment from the gods infects man and not other living creatures .. a punishment that inflicts a mosquito to eliminate that evil that dominated our country”.. Thus the Egyptian crossed over 3500 years ago, when the land of Egypt was struck by a plague of malaria, and a pestilence

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Reported by :Egyptian Geographic, Translated by: R kamel 17 Oct

When the Nile was up to the pyramids 160 years ago

More than 160 years ago, Haram Street was just a stream branching from the Nile, and also the encompassing areas were empty agricultural lands, and in 1869 Khedive Ismail ordered the paving of Al Haram Street in preparation for receiving the kings and heads of states of the earth to Egypt to attend

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written By: mostapha Abdel Salam, Translated by: Amira Abd El Basset 09 Oct

The birth of “travel photography” in Egypt 170 years ago

Ever since Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) briefly conquered Egypt in 1799, the French had been fascinated with the mysterious East as this distant and exotic place, holder of mysterious and ancient secrets, The psychological phenomenon of Othering an entire region is known today as Orientalism but

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Wrote By: Alzhraa Sami and Translation by: R kamel 22 Sep

Antarctica pyramids: Did the Egyptians transfer their civilization to Antarctica ?!

Did the Ancient Egyptians build pyramids in Antarctica? Or are those pyramids made by aliens?.. a matter that some thought was naive, but after all it began to require great steps towards certainty since 2016, when Ancient Origins magazine, based within the Republic of Ireland, which may be a

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Written by: Mostapha Abdel Salam, Translated by: R kamel 16 Sep

The Battle of Imbaba: Napoleon Bonaparte Road to Cairo

222 years ago, specifically on the twenty-first of July 1798, and as soon because the raging battle between the Mamluks led by Murad Bey and Ibrahim Bey, and also the French armies led by General Bonaparte, ended with the defeat of the Mamelukes within the desert stretching between the town of

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