the Nile

Reported by :Egyptian Geographic, Translated by: R kamel 17 Oct

When the Nile was up to the pyramids 160 years ago

More than 160 years ago, Haram Street was just a stream branching from the Nile, and also the encompassing areas were empty agricultural lands, and in 1869 Khedive Ismail ordered the paving of Al Haram Street in preparation for receiving the kings and heads of states of the earth to Egypt to attend

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written by: Tahani AbdulSalam, Translated by: R kamel 11 Oct

The Romanian Theatre: an architectural masterpiece of three civilizations in Alexandria

"What is this? ... the ax hit a rock mass !!" ... the echo of this phrase uttered by one of the workers barely ended, until a second, third and fourth worker uttered it, so the workers stopped hitting their iron shovels in the ground to explore the matter, so most of them continued

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written by: Tahani AbdulSalam, Translated by: R kamel 08 Oct

Giza Zoo: the third oldest within the world and the first in Africa

Inside the cage of monkeys, Samia, those monkeys that came from the "Congo forests", awakened early, not usual, then hurried to wake her sons "Joe" and "Nadia" saying: "Come on, my children, wake up, today is that the Spring Festival.. Come on until You see the

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report by: Egyptian Geographic, Translated by :R Kamel 27 Sep

Egyptian inventions: The sundial, wig, and pharaonic brush

Thousands of years ago, ancient Egyptian technology reached its peak, and plenty of ancient Egyptian inventions astonished us for its technological progress, but the pages of history turned many of them, to be attributed to other countries, or be reinvented for some centuries. Ago. The

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Written by: Mostapha Abdel Salam, Translated by: R kamel 16 Sep

The Battle of Imbaba: Napoleon Bonaparte Road to Cairo

222 years ago, specifically on the twenty-first of July 1798, and as soon because the raging battle between the Mamluks led by Murad Bey and Ibrahim Bey, and also the French armies led by General Bonaparte, ended with the defeat of the Mamelukes within the desert stretching between the town of

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